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Helen Mack
Nov. 13, 1913 - Aug. 13, 1986


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   since 9/20/03

Updated: 11/22/2014

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Internet Movie Database

Professional Childrens School

Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archives

The Museum of Broadcast Communications

RKO Talkies: 1928-35

Columbia Pictures: 1928-35

Paramount Sound Films: 1928-35

Sono Art-World Wide Talkies: 1929-33

The Studio Lots

Classic Images

Library of Congress Online

The Radio Showtime List of Shows

TV Tome

Hollywood Walk of Fame Website


 Wayne's Old Time Radio Page

 Audio Classics Archive


Vintage Movie Sites

Hollywood's Attic

Nostalgia Family Video

Pan American Video

Silent Era

The Silent Film Still Archive

Movies Unlimited

Life Is A Movie

Turner Classic Movies

 American Movie Classics



Things and Other Stuff

               Quality vintage movie collectibles and memorabilia
               for sale, information on stars and collectables for free


In-depth reviews of cult and neglected science fiction, horror and fantasy movies.


Copyright 2003. All information and material on this website is the property of Daryl Curtis. Use of this material may not be used without the permission of the owner.