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Videos for Sale

Added a movie flyer for "The Silent Witness" on the Pictures page (Dec 14, 2014)

Added over 200 video frame captures from the movie "While Paris Sleeps" (Dec 7, 2014)

Four Pictures Uploaded (Nov 29th, 2014)

I've uploaded three pictures from the movie "I Stand Accused" and one promotional picture from the late 1930's. Check them out on the Pictures Page. Look for the blinking "New" graphic when you scroll down.

The Latest (Nov 16th, 2014)

It has literally been years since I have updated this site. Trust me, it has not been because I've lost interest - it has been due to life, work, and other commitments. However, I finally have found the time to devote to updating this site. I have a lot of new photos, information, and cool things about Helen that I think you will find very interesting. I should have things loaded by Thanksgiving. As always, thank you for the support.

~ Daryl

Videos For Sale

Some of Helen's movies are currently available at several on-line sites. I've listed all the available titles and current prices for convenience and comparison. I've ordered from most of the businesses and have not had any problems. To visit the website, click on the Website name.

Hollywood's Attic

"The Wrong Road", VHS, $19.95


Nostalgia Family Video

"Calling All Marines", VHS, $14.99

"Fit For A King", VHS, $14.99

"His Girl Friday", VHS, $14.99

"King Of The Newsboys", VHS, $14.99

"The Milky Way", VHS, $14.99

"The Wrong Road", VHS, $14.99


Movies Unlimited

"The Struggle", VHS, $24.99

"Fargo Express", VHS, $14.99

"She", VHS, $18.99

"She", DVD, $25.49

"The Milky Way", VHS, $18.99

"Fit For A King", VHS, $14.99

"The Wrong Road", VHS, $18.99

"His Girl Friday", VHS, $13.49

"His Girl Friday", DVD, $8.99

"His Girl Friday" (special), DVD, $21.24


Life Is A Movie

"The California Trail", VHS, $9.99

"Calling All Marines", VHS, $14.99

"Fargo Express", VHS, $5.99/$9.99

"Fit For A King", VHS, $12.99

"His Girl Friday", VHS, $9.99

"His Girl Friday", DVD, $14.99

"King Of The Newsboys", VHS, $14.99

"The Milky Way", VHS, $9.99/$12.99



"Son of Kong", VHS, Various $$$

"His Girl Friday", VHS/DVD, Various $$$

"She", DVD, Various $$$